Country Music Maleny on again at Hinterland Music Club Inc

Country Music in Maleny is on again with the Hinterland Music Club getting together on Saturday June 8 at the Big Shed, Pioneer Village, Bryce Lane, Maleny.

This Club is Music in the country and has that real friendly vibe with Country Music and other upbeat, crowd pleasing and easy listening music.

With an open mic we encourage you to join us walk up, sing a song or two or play a musical instrument, beginners are always welcome, just bring along your chord charts (5).

A backing band is available if needed. Admission $7 or Members $5. Sausage sizzle for lunch for a small charge and a gold coin donation for bottomless tea/coffee (BYO mug). For further information contact Janice 0403 481 943. Open to the public, everyone is welcome, see you there.


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