Editorial Policy
The Sunshine Valley Gazette covers local stories of general interest to the wider community.
We give preference to news and events from the local area, particularly Chevallum, Eudlo, Flaxton, Maleny, Mapleton, Montville, Mooloolah, Nambour, Palmwoods, Woombye, Yandina and surrounds.
Every endeavour is made to publish your submissions but we can never guarantee that any article will appear.
The Gazette will prioritise constructive news which strengthens our community.
Our broad aims are to:
Connect the Community.
Acknowledge Achievement.
Back Business.
We encourage respectful & constructive debate on local issues in our letters section.
We aim to provide rich coverage of hinterland businesses.
Where factual errors or inaccuracies occur we will correct the record as quickly as practical in the following publication and/or online. Please contact editor@sunshinevalleygazette.com.au.
Preference is given to …
short articles & letters (max 300 words, 100-200 preferred).
clear high resolution photos with captions containing full names of people in photo, from left).
stories sent exclusively to the Gazette.
non-repetitive stories (eg no word-for-word, same meeting notice every edition please).
For more information contact editor@sunshinevalleygazette.com.au.
How to get your news in the Gazette
If you would like to submit stories and photos for publication please use the form, below or email the words and images to editor@sunshinevalleygazette.com.au.
Stories may be cut for clarity, brevity and to try and make space for everyone’s news. Because of time constraints at deadline, shorter stories stand a greater chance of running unchanged. Longer submissions stand a greater chance of being cut altogether.