Quilters bring hope with hand-made kindness

From left, Jade and Belinda from Centacare, Anita, Audrey Lyttle, Julie Cheng, Karyll Butler and Anne Sushames.

Strengthening community fabric one stitch at a time:

Palmwoods Arts & Crafts Group recently handed over more than 60 charity quilts to Centacare Maroochydore.

The quilts, crafted by the talented members, will provide comfort and warmth to abused women and children across the Sunshine Coast.

The handover took place on Tuesday, May 14, at the Group’s clubrooms next to Palmwoods Bowls Club.

The initiative received a boost from the Heritage Palmwoods Community Branch, which generously allocated Sponsorship money to cover some of the costs of fabric, batting, and threads.

“This gesture exemplifies the bank’s commitment to supporting local community initiatives and making a positive difference in the lives of those in need,” said Palmwoods Arts & Crafts Group President Jan Aisthorpe.

Jan expressed her gratitude to all involved and highlighted the importance of coming together to support vulnerable members of the community.

“We are thrilled to be able to contribute to such a worthy cause,” she said. “These quilts represent not only our skill and craftsmanship but also our desire to make a difference.”

Palmwoods Community Branch (PCB) Director Audrey Lyttle said the PCB Board was pleased to provide funds for such a worthwhile cause.

“As the quilts find their way into the hands of those in need, we hope they will bring comfort and solace to those who need it most.”

The quilts will be distributed by Centacare Maroochydore to individuals and families experiencing hardship, providing them with a tangible symbol of care and support during challenging times.

Centacare Representative, Belinda shared a touching story about one of their clients who found solace in an unexpected place. “She’d literally come to her doorstep that morning. She’d spent the night in the park. She had nowhere to go. And when I gave her one of these blankets, she just cried.

“But it wasn’t just the blanket itself. Whenever we pass them out, we do say where they come from ... that there’s a group of women who actually come together and make them. And I think it was more that connection, that kindness that’s within – the fact that this is purposefully being made for you, and she just broke down in tears.

“And I get goose bumps even just talking about it. But that’s the type of people we’re supporting. So it’s not just about here’s a blanket and it will keep you nice and warm. It is knowing where it came from and being connected to people that actually made it. You can almost feel the care and giving. So absolutely. There’s so much more meaning in these items.”

Palmwoods banks on support from local Heritage branch

Each year the Branch distributes funds at an event at Palmwoods Hotel.

The Heritage Palmwoods Community Branch continues to play a remarkable role in raising funds for local organisations and charities in and around Palmwoods.

Last year’s sponsorship night at the Palmwoods Hotel saw community groups and organisations share in an impressive $300,000 funding, demonstrating the bank’s ongoing commitment to supporting local initiatives.

“It has been so incredibly gratifying to engage with all of the organisations who made applications. We know that the money will be put to great use,” said Palmwoods Community Branch (PCB) Director Audrey Lyttle.

The Community Branch is a joint venture between Heritage Bank and the local Palmwoods community, represented by PCB.

It was established in 2006 after nine local investors raised $200,000 capital to attract a branch into town. The branch operates under a rare model where the community’s share of the profits is reinvested into local sponsorships, events and projects that benefit Palmwoods.

“On behalf of the PCB Directors and staff of the Branch, I really want to thank everyone who supports the Heritage Community Branch,” Audrey said. “None of this would be possible without community support. And I encourage everyone in our community to contact the Heritage Community Branch staff at the Palmwoods Branch to see if they can help you with your banking needs. The more the branch is supported, the more we can contribute to the community.”

The support extends across a diverse range of initiatives. For example, $75,000 was allocated towards the development of the boardwalk at Piccabeen Green; $45,000 was invested in exercise equipment for Federation Park; and $100,000 was recently contributed to shade covers for the Palmwoods Skate Park.

“The funding depends on how much people invest, borrow, take out credit cards, and insurance policies in the Palmwoods branch,” Audrey said.

“The business generated in that facility directly impacts the funds available for community projects. We receive 50 percent of the profits per month, which we then allocate to deserving causes.”

Each year, the bank hosts a popular annual sponsorship night at the Palmwoods Hotel, where funds are distributed to groups, schools, community organisations and sporting clubs. In addition to the annual event, the bank also addresses urgent needs throughout the year, provided they meet the Board’s criteria.

“The main thing is that sponsored groups have to bank with the Palmwoods branch because if you bring your money in here, the community really profits from it,” Audrey said.

• For more information or to explore banking options that contribute to the community, residents can contact the staff at the Heritage Palmwoods Community Branch at 5294 0600.


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