Maroochy River Country Music Club going strong 32 years on
Thirty-two years ago, Mr Kevin Rimmington, and a small group of Friends decided to form a Country Music Club. They called it Maroochy River.
“The Concerts began at the Bli Bli Heritage Hall and even though the Club has recently moved their Sunday Concerts to the
A.C.M.A Country Hall of Fame Yandina, they still conduct their Thursday night practice sessions at the Bli Bli Hall,” said Club President of ten years, Darryl Norwood.
Still active Members for most all of those years are Lynda Brinkley, who has been a ten year (President and Secretary)
Stephen Brinkley (Secretary and Sound man) and Allison McCann nee Brinkley( Drummer and Bass player).
“Our ‘friendly Club’ is still doing very well, and has a great support team with 7 lifetime members,” Mr Norwood said.
“We are always happy to welcome new members and visitors to our club.”
You can find out more about upcoming events at
On stage is our sound man, Bill Newman, singing a tribute to Elvis Presley.