Achieve your goals sooner with Keystone Financial Solutions’ expert refinancing

Business Writeup: Keystone Financial Solutions

The end of the financial year is a great time to review your financial position and refinance loans in order to save money, and hit your financial goals sooner.

“Around June 30, most people have all of the information that the lenders need, and we can manage that process,” said Keystone Financial Solutions’ Director, Charlotte Graham.

“By taking a more individualised approach to borrowing we are able to save our clients hundreds of dollars each month in loan repayments.

“Just recently we helped clients to refinance and they are saving $400 - $500 per month on their home loan. This is significant, particularly in the context of living costs going through the roof.”

Cheshire born Charlotte has worked in the financial services sector for 23 years and moved to Rosemount with her family 3 years ago.

After a stint of modelling in the UK for international designers such as Tommy Hilfiger, Charlotte found herself drawn to financial services because she could see the ways in which she could help people achieve better outcomes in their financial lives.

“I was spotted by a modelling agent one day while I was shopping with my mum. She took me along to a photo shoot, even though at first she thought it was a scam!” Charlotte laughed. “I knew it was not for me, long term though.

“When I eventually moved into financial services, I chose to work in the independent sector because it aligns with my aim to offer my clients products that suit them, rather than those which generate a better income for me,” she explained.

“I have 64 lenders available to me including the big four banks and smaller subsidiary companies, which means that I have more tailoring options to offer my clients. What is increasingly happening as the bigger banks tighten their lending practices, is that applicants are ‘knocked out’ of contention as soon as they don’t ‘tick all the boxes’. 

This is so discouraging but it does not mean that it is impossible to secure finance. Having someone with experience and a network of lenders at their fingertips goes a long way to taking the stress out of the situation.”

Independent broker

Because Charlotte is an independent broker, she is not beholden to any particular lender or product.

“Our industry is heavily regulated and I receive a set amount of commission, irrespective of which product I recommend,” said Charlotte.

Keystone Financial Solutions can help with corporate, commercial and residential lending.

“I do a lot of work with law firms and financial planners, in all areas of lending and it is extremely rewarding to be able to build personal relationships with my clients and help them to achieve better financial outcomes. I love to meet with people face to face, but I can also work with people via Zoom, or even over the phone.”

Considering refinancing?

If you are contemplating a refinance, Charlotte encourages you to give her a call so she can learn more about your situation, and match you with a lender who has an offering that is compatible  with your goals.

• Phone Charlotte on 0473 022 839 or email


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