The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Mother’s Day baby turns 40: Family’s new addition tradition

In 1984, Mother’s Day fell on the 13th of May, and Adam Griffiths was the first baby born on Mother’s Day at the Nambour General Hospital.

His mum, Nola, remembers “The Sunshine Coast Daily interviewed me and made quite a big deal of it at the time. Obviously welcoming Adam into the world was a special day for us already.”

Nola and Wayne Griffiths lived in Woombye with their three children for 19 years, and Adam attended the Woombye State School, and then went on to Burnside State High.

“He played hockey for the Blue Demons and went to Nambour Little Athletics, as did his sisters, Anna and Mardi,” Nola said.

“Roughly around every 6 years, Adam’s birthday falls on Mother’s Day, and he has had a little article in the newspaper each time. He was always quite happy to go along with it, even as a teenager, and it has been quite a lovely tradition for us.”

Adam completed a boilermaker apprenticeship after leaving school and he and his wife, Leanne, now live in Mt Isa, where he is a project manager in the mines.

“This year, Adam turns 40 the day after Mother’s Day and myself and his sisters thought we would surprise him with a story in our local paper,” Nola explained. 

“The birthday celebrations this year will take place without Dad, as he passed away twenty months ago,” Nola said. “Wayne was so close to our children and I know how proud he was of the man Adam has become. I think he would be happy to see us keeping up our little tradition.”

Adam Griffiths and his Mum Nola in 1984, above, and these days, below.