The Sunshine Valley Gazette

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Resilience and new highlights at Maleny Show

Lynda Burgess. Images by Marsha Fotograffie.

An interview with Maleny Show Society President Lynda Burgess

In the aftermath of the 2024 Maleny Show, held on May 31 and June 1, Maleny Show Society President Lynda Burgess discusses the event's successes, challenges, and memorable moments. Despite the rain and a few adjustments, this year’s show featured exciting new events and continues to draw a dedicated community of attendees, volunteers, and sponsors. Here’s what Lynda had to say about the experience and the future of the Maleny Show.

• How would you describe the overall success of this year’s Show and how does it bode for future events?

Apart from being a bit damp underfoot and this causing the early finish to the Chanmpionship events in Show Jumping I feel that the Show went really well. We were able to provide some great entertainment and this always assists with a return of patrons in the following year

• What were attendance numbers and how did they compare to past years?

We don't have a final figure as most of our patrons were "online" purchasers and this will not come to us until about a weeks time. however, we seemed to be on a par with last year especially on Friday however Saturday's attendance was down this year.

• What were some key takeaways or lessons learned from organising your first Show this year that could be applied to future events?

There are always things that you feel could have been done better however, without the support of the Executive and Show Committee and a multitude of volunteers we would be unable to provide the events and attractions that we have done this year. We have had this year more of the younger generation becoming involved with the setup and dismantle of a lot of the areas on the grounds. These efforts have been greatly appreciated. It is especially rewarding to see families getting involved and this is happening more and more.

• From your perspective, what was the standout aspect or highlight of this year's Show?

There were two major "new" happenings this year. The first time the 11inch underhand Ladies Queensland Championship Woodchop was held and this is an added addition to the range of events in this area sponsored by the Maleny Hotel for many years. The other event was the Country Stars Australia event conducted by Col Finley with a range of special prizes. There were competitors from a lot of areas across the country. One lass from Cranbourn in Victoria and the winner of the Junior section from NSW. The Senior winner was from Mt. Larcom. These are new events and it is hope that they will receive the support needed to continue into the future.

• How do you rate the future of Maleny Show in the context of country shows in general?

Maleny has always had a good name as a "great Agricultural Event" Our Show is not as big as some but we do attract a lot of very dedicated breeders to our yards. 70 head of Dairy Cattle and 15 Studs attending in the Beef has to say something for our events.

• What message would you like to convey to the attendees, volunteers and sponsors?

The Maleny Show would not be able to continue without the support of the wonderful volunteers and very supportive sponsors. We look forward to bringing a bigger and brighter event in 2025 and wish to Thank all of those patrons who attended in weather that was not the most comfortable at times.